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Would groups made on Facebook to hate against an individual race of people be considered a hate crime? - Printable Version

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Would groups made on Facebook to hate against an individual race of people be considered a hate crime? - Wifey - 11-09-2012 11:57 AM

There have been a string of "Native American/American Indian hate groups" popping up on Facebvook within the last week or so. The leaders of the group would put the discriptions encouraging other Facebook members to join their group because Natives were "ugly and dirty." and " Join us to abolish Native rights.". We have already reported the group pages and some have been removed.

Under US laws, would this be considered a hate crime or freedom of speech?

- Afnan Chowdhury - 11-09-2012 12:05 PM

theres a group called "fck muslims".
i dispise that group

and noo its not a hate crime. it does not violate the law.

in germany the cops cant arrest the neo nazis who show pride in racism because they arent violating the law.
supporting hitler is not a crime. dont get me wrong. i also hate hitler

- Elaine of Astolat - 11-09-2012 12:05 PM

Well, the "freedom of speech" we have in this country, allow for a lot of hurtful stuff to be said.

For instance, in Skokie, Illinois (by Chicago, where I live) neo-Nazi groups march once a year--through the Jewish neighborhoods. And they're actually entitled to police protection during these marches! (I think that if they're allowed to march, they should be allowed to suffer the natural consequences of doing so...)

No, I think they're protected under the law to say whatever they want, that's their opinion, their deal...

People are entilted to their opinion, it's sad that people think this way.