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HELP!!! I'm a computer addict, how can I stop? - Printable Version

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HELP!!! I'm a computer addict, how can I stop? - Jessica - 11-09-2012 11:58 AM

I'm failing pretty much every test/exam that's coming up, and the reason is because I'm too obsessed with my computer. Sometimes when it's vacation, I stay up late until like 3AM. Or even worse, I keep staring at my profiles on Facebook/Twitter for over 10 minutes or even more!!! (It's sick I know, but I can't help it.) I also can't stop watching movies/TV shows on iTunes or listening to music on YouTube among many other things. I wish I could tell my parents or someone, but I'm way too shy and too embarrassed to tell someone about this, except here. Please help, I'm really desperate!

- Sara - 11-09-2012 12:07 PM

Give yourself a schedule, for example, 1-2 hours on the computer a day! Have some time for homework, and time for friends/family. If you are always on the computer, try and find another activity to do to keep your mind off of it! hope I helped.

- Amber - 11-09-2012 12:07 PM

Gradually decrease your time on the computer. If you have a pet of some sort, why not play with it for a while? Take up an interesting hobby, something you've always wanted to do?

There are also lots of fun sports you can play with your friends or even by yourself, you'll be getting your 40 minutes of exercise too!

There's nothing embarrassing about asking someone for help, they can assist you by occupying you with lots of other fun stuff to do than stare at a computer monitor for hours and hours.

If you're failing every test and exam, you should spend less time on the social websites and more on some helpful ones that give you good information and help for upcoming tests. If you still fail, ask your parents for some help or maybe a tutor?

Write down a schedule for every day of the week, that'll keep you occupied for sure. Hope this helped ya!