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Why don't people treat me like everybody else? - Printable Version

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Why don't people treat me like everybody else? - papa - 11-09-2012 11:58 AM

I am a 14 year old guy and Im completely normal but people treat me different to everybody else. I am short for my age (5,2 feet) and because of this people treat me like I'm younger than them. They also won't tell me anything because they think I can't be trusted and I can easily keep a secret. Just today my friend was on Facebook messenger and he was saying to people "look at what she wrote she is such a c***" (sorry girls) so after he showed everybody I asked if I could see it and he just said no and blocked the screen. I am also picked last like I'm never invited to party's or asked to hang out with on the weekend and I just want to know how to get people to want me around. I have a bad reputation for being immature but i have completely turned that around and I am just as mature and "normal" as everybody else.

Please help me I am desperate and I also want to know how to confront them and tell them I hate how I'm left out and why am I left out (non violently)

Thanks heaps

- Abhishek - 11-09-2012 12:07 PM

Don't get stress out people will give you importance as well as friend despite of this always be friendly to your surrounding tell your parents about it they'll help you strong

Best of luck

- noodles - 11-09-2012 12:07 PM

U need to stand up for urself. It sounds like u may also wanna reconsider ur friend choices if they don't invite u to places. Ur the last one on the list and it shoudlnt b that way. Try telling them u wanna be involved and included. Let them kno it hurts ur feelings and u don't feel like they're being good friends when they exclude you. Next time someone says ur immature or short just look a thtme and ask "compared to what??"
Don't let people or yourself compare maturity levels. Everyone matures differently so there sno real thing as immature or mature. Hope this helps! Srry if its too long Wink

- cat lady - 11-09-2012 12:07 PM

My husband was 5'2 and 89 pounds when he graduated from HS. He found things he enjoyed like being the "manager" for the foot bal team and the chess club and the photography club. He shot up in college to 6"11 and 187#. He still loves chess and photography and football. He found the type of people he wanted to be friends with in those clubs and they continue to be they type of friends who he likes now. Find your interests and go from there! Those are the people who will be your friends. I was a cheerleader so obviously very popular but I still felt very insecure about what people said about me and changed my own likes to "fit in" with the popular crowd. Now many of those "popular" kids are 200#, unhappily married, working jobs they hate, divorced, and just like the rest of us. I at least found myself outside of that after I graduated and have new interests I've developed that I had no idea of in HS. HS is hard for everyone, even the popular ones. Find things you like and join in, those are the people who will always be your friends! Good luck!