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Does she like me? (college) easy 10 points? - Printable Version

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Does she like me? (college) easy 10 points? - Ryan - 11-09-2012 11:59 AM

I was walking out of a building from speech class when this girl was yelling "hey! hey!" behind a couple of people and also me. I did not look back because I have not talked to a girl in my speech class. So she pretty much has to run beside me which surprised me and then asked me a question about what she needs to bring for her speech in speech class. I answered and then she states that she is going to dinner and I just pretty much shut her down by saying that I am going to my dorm room.

The next time we have speech class she so happens to run into me again as we leave the building and this time I asked her if she was going to dinner and she said yes so we went together and waited in line to get into the cafeteria. We pretty much go our separate ways after we get our food. As i was leaving i saw her eating alone so that pretty much gave me the sign that she likes me.

We are not FaceBook friends so I creeped at her profile and I found out she has a boyfriend back at home so this gave me confused feelings. So my question is what does this mean?

- Rebecca - 11-09-2012 12:07 PM

she likes you but in a mate way or bezzie way =D

- Kendra Montello - 11-09-2012 12:07 PM

May be she doesn't know anyone in the class. It just so happens that you seemed nice and comfortable to approach. But you never know, she could be interested in you. But from what you wrote
here it can be co-incidence too. So, you have to look for more signs.