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My boss just friended me on facebook? - Printable Version

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My boss just friended me on facebook? - iceman2872 - 11-09-2012 12:03 PM

My boss at my internship just sent me a friend request on facebook, which I had to accept for obvious reasons. Not 5 seconds after I accept the friend request she writes "step up,____" on my timeline. I have no clue whether she wrote this just to mess with me or is genuinely upset about something. In which case, why would she write it on my timeline for all of public to see?

- Tdao - 11-09-2012 12:11 PM

What reasons are obvious here? Your "boss" "friended" you on FB? Unless you are actually friends in RL, that was a crazy bad move. I would unfriend him or her and explain yourself at work. Unless your boss is incredibly immature, he or she will understand why you decided not to keep them as friends.

Generic FB advice: Keep it mild and professional or keep your anonymity.

- thomas n - 11-09-2012 12:11 PM

It's not a good idea to friend your boss. If you are upset with her/him and you post something about it or the company on Facebook then your boss will see it.