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What do you think he's thinking? - Printable Version

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What do you think he's thinking? - Mikayla - 11-09-2012 12:04 PM

First off, I'm in 8th grade, and I'm a girl. And there's this guy I kinda like who's in 9th grade. He's from a school that comes to our school went they get to grade9, but I did know who he was before that.
So, I know he's definelty noticed me noticing him. And when ever we pass by in the halls, he always looks at me, then I look at him, then I quickly look away. I'm about 99% sure he knows I like him.
The other day, me and my 2 friends were stood In a kinds half circle, watching some of the older grades be idiots. Tongue then he came over to our group who weren't really talking. He didn't say anything either. Just stood there for a couple minutes. Then the bell rang and we walked in, and he walked just behind me.
A couple days ago, me and some friends were stood in a circle talking, and he was sitting on a picnic table near us. My friend Maddie pretended to use my phone so she could tell me he was staring at my boobs.
Last night, I saw that he was on Facebook on his iPhone, so I messaged him and said, "Hey!" and it said he saw it, like a minute after I sent it, but never replied. I texted him with a friend once last week, and he had to go after like 5-10 minutes.
I don't think it's because he's shy or anything. He doesn't talk lots, but he is the lead singer in a band him and a couple friends created a couple years ago.
Am I over-thinking all of this? Do you think he's interested?
Thanks for your answers guys! And sorry its so long! Smile

- BIG DADDY COOL - 11-09-2012 12:12 PM

Yes, he's interested in you