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How to deal with annoying ex-friend? - Printable Version

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How to deal with annoying ex-friend? - Praco - 11-09-2012 12:04 PM

She used to be my best friend but I decided to keep distance after I found out that she fights for attention and one-ups me every time. Her and I have mutual friends so I do see her around. When I deal with her, I just nod and just say "wow that's great." to whatever she says but I feel so restrained, tense and still feel like looked down at. When I turn to another friend to talk, she will boldly intrude and I end up just nodding, stepping back, never opening my mouth and never connecting with other friends. I feel like she is intentionally blocking me from everybody I talk to. But I can't say for sure so I don't know if I should confront? I already HAVE kept distance, she just happen to show up to places where I am at. How do I deal with this?

The rest is trivial but just to give you the picture...

- She lied about her friend having a brain tumor surgery so she can have a 'goodluck' party at her place. Group of friends have been turning her idea down until she mentioned that it's for a friend with a brain tumor, but of course she didn't have the surgery, we don't even know if that was true.

- She was hanging out with people who I don't want to be involved with which is totally fine, I prefer her to hang out with them and stay there. But she would come up to me and talk crap behind their back while we're all at the same bar. I didn't say anything.

- I barely share my own photo on facebook, but whenever I update my photo, she will try to copy whatever I have on the photo... I hide her statuses now but my friends would point it out and we frown at it.

- Group of girls including me and her were planning a trip. She decided to uninvite a friend who we always hang out with because she isn't 'suitable' for this vacation. I told her there's a way to work it out, But she 'has a feeling' that it will ' absolutely' not go well. ..I don't trust her gut feeling.

- DaHead - 11-09-2012 12:13 PM

i have dealt w/ this type of situation before,and worse,trust me ive been around the block a few times...first of all u cant have mutual friends,they will tell her ur business weather knowingly or un knowlingly...change friends,bars,scenes,schools,and possibly even cities..unfriend her on face book and then block her from seeing ur name or profile... its for the best,trust me,don't fight just walk off into the sunset no contact and leave no traces..u can make new friends much luck too u