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How do I put a bumper sticker I uploaded to my Facebook profile? - Printable Version

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How do I put a bumper sticker I uploaded to my Facebook profile? - Butterfly - 11-09-2012 12:06 PM

I added the Bumber sticker application on Facebook and uploaded a couple stickers of my own but I cant place them in my profile? how can I? I noticed that a lot of people have placed the bumber sticker that I created on their profile but how come I(the creator) cant seem to be able to place the sticker in my own profile?...

- Serenity - 11-09-2012 12:14 PM

Click on my stickers when you go to the bumper sticker application. Then click on my uploaded stickers, and you can click on the stickers you uploaded. Click on the picture of the bumper sticker you uploaded, and there you go.

Good luck!