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Way to take a good profile picture? - Printable Version

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Way to take a good profile picture? - Kristen Masencup - 11-09-2012 12:06 PM

I always see these girls on facebook and they take these amazing photos of them with like half thier face, lit perfectly, actually looking at the camera instead of taking these ones with the phone actually being seen in the mirror and get so many likes and mine are all fuzzy and dim with the phone in them. How do I take really good pictures that look like all these other girls that have pictures that look so pretty and get so many likes?
Also I would like to know a good editing site where I can put my pictures on and edit them to make them look good.

- Pradnesh - 11-09-2012 12:14 PM

just make a gud shiny getup(makeup) and then just take gud camera, have a very sexy smily on ur face just watch at the hole of camera and then just click a snap and then give a shiny touch thru the adobe photo shop these all other girls do the same they all edit their pics... I bet and hey make these pics more black and white or some reddish or some orangy shade and add me on facebook my name is Pradnesh Mohite add me faster

- Jimmy - 11-09-2012 12:14 PM

If you do not have someone to take the picture for you use a camera and do not hold the camera in your hand. Use the delay timer built into most all digital cameras today. The setting usually looks like a clock, with a little practice you can be taking great pictures also.
I used the delay timer a lot when the wife and me went on a cruse it's a lot better than having to ask someone to take our picture all the time.
Here is a link to the top 10 free picture editing websites.