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How do i convince my mum to let me MOVE!? - Printable Version

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How do i convince my mum to let me MOVE!? - Melanie - 11-09-2012 12:07 PM

Hi, so i'm 13 and i go to a private school.

I look at all my friends who went to public schools facebook profiles and they are all having so much fun, they all have like 1000 fb friend sand 100's of photos of them having fun, going to concerts with eachother. It looks like a normal teens life, but i don't get any of that.

Because of my private school, all my friends parents are strict and don't let them go anywhere without them, none of my friends have facebook & none of them act a teen should.

I really wan't to go to a public school, they are just SO much better. And plus the education in my school is rubbish, even my mum has noticed public schools are doing better than this one D:

How do i convince my mum to let me move schools, before next term?

- Maple Nut - 11-09-2012 12:15 PM

sneak out of your house while you still can

- J - 11-09-2012 12:15 PM

You can get expelled. Just go crazy : curse and smoke and shiz.
Just don't burn anything or you'll get arrested. Keep getting in trouble until your parents have enough and will do anything for you to behave.The phone calls form school always drive parents crazy. Anybody who tells you to talk to them is BS'ing and you know that that won't work. Expect spanking, though.

- Kc - 11-09-2012 12:15 PM

Discuss it with your parent. If you sound reasonable enough then what is the problem? Just be sure that they are stable enough to move. It may not seem like a big change, but moving and changing schools is hard. Choose wisely.

- TNH - 11-09-2012 12:15 PM

Considering your age, about all you can do is calmly speak to your mother and explain the reasons why you wish to move and any positive things which could be gained by doing so. Your mother has her own reasons for having you attend a certain school, so do not be disappointed if she disagrees with you. As you get older, you may find that you have more input into decisions of this matter. Try calm talking and if it doesn't work, at least you tried.

- N-A - 11-09-2012 12:15 PM

You should sit down with your mom and try to show her how much of a better education you could get at a public school. Face it she is the mother and will only agree if she thinks you will do better at the public school. If you present her with facts about public school vs private schools you might be able to sway her.

- Carita - 11-09-2012 12:15 PM

Well do your homework find out how many schools are on you district get information on them and compare them to what private school don't have and regular schools do now, real talk I think private school are great they really get you ready for the corpra- America those thing that those kids are doing believe me some of them are snickin and the other have no real parents keep ya head in the books when its your tome something els better been done come along

- Jacob - 11-09-2012 12:15 PM

1000 Facebook friends? Why would you want that? Very few of them would be real friends- very superficial. Concerts are fun, I agree, but why would it be your school stop you from doing that? Most concerts are 14+ and if under 16 must be accompanied by an adult so you wouldn't be able to get to many places yet anyway- when you're older I suspect your friends and you will get more freedom anyway- I don't think it would be exclusive to your school anyway- at 13 many parents can still be very protective. If you want to move schools, you could try asking your Mum if you're sure, but state schools aren't easy, especially at your age, and because you've come from a private school the other kids may not be so accommodating. Think about this carefully- as I say, you'll most likely gain more freedom later on anyway. You've only just become a teen. Wink