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I cant stand my group of friends? - Printable Version

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I cant stand my group of friends? - MilesK4ne - 11-09-2012 12:10 PM

Im not even sure to call them friends really.
So I pretty much hang out with 4 people on a daily basis.
1:Copies everything I do because no one likes her really cause shes bitchy and I'm nice to everyone. She dresses like me stalks my blog, facebook, and tried flirting with the guy I like and they went out. I have depression, I take medication for it and suddenly shes bragging about her being depressed and asking for my pills. More people accept her than me?
2: Really insecure, cries over every fucking thing, rude. Was having a shit day and she slaps me smiling like it was funny and started laughing. I was about to cry and she started being innocent and other people thought I was rude because she was playing dumb.
3:Racist and rude prick. Last year he was my best friend and we liked the same music. Now he calls me a mutt (im mixed) and everything i do/like is stupid. Every once and a while we get along.
4:I met this him this year, and hes cool. He is friends with all of them but we mostly talk. He is the only one I can stand he is nice and we hang out alot but its always interrupted by the other 3 and I end up leaving without saying anything because i cant stand the other 3.

I dont know why they irk me so much. Ive just started highschool this year. I want to leave them (except the last one) but I have classes with them and even if I dont say anything they STILL hang around me where i get called 'Bipolar' 'Depressing b*tch' or whatever. Its irritating.
I want to talk to others and I know I have to get rid of them first but its like I cant. I dont want to seem rude but, Im just tired of being treated like shit by my old 'main' friends:c

@Reptile i dont take jokes seriously that much but when her boyfriend is in my face saying why am i such a bitch to her THEN I get defensive and she does nothing...

- Under Seige - 11-09-2012 12:18 PM

Dump them? Get new ones. Trust me, keeping around toxic people is never good. Better to be alone than be with people like that.

- Reptile - 11-09-2012 12:18 PM

Go with number 4, like go out with him. It seems like he is into you.

Number 3 just needs a very sentimental talk on the phone. Talk to him about how you feel alone or some ****. He'll feel bad. Make sure you hug him to the next day like be like," Hey!"

Number 1: Shes a fake *****.

Number 2: She just seems annoying and really stupid. Some people grow out of that stage, you shouldnt take jokes to seriously btw, she couldve just been ******* with you.