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Are we more than just friends? - Printable Version

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Are we more than just friends? - Jess - 11-09-2012 12:10 PM

I'm asking this because I'm really confused about one of my good guy friends.

We're pretty good friends, I'd say he's my best guy friend and I'm his best girl friend. We talk or message almost everyday and always post jokes and things on each others facebook.

All our friends joke around about us hooking up and make fun of us because they think there is something going on between us.

He's such a shy person and not confident with girls at all so it's really hard to tell if he likes me or not?

Saturday night I was hanging out with him in our big group of friends. When I left he messaged me asking if I was going out which I wasn't, but he kept messaging me and quoting songs and things to me. Then at 3am he called me asking me to please pick him up from town..... Which I did. But I just dropped him home, but he stayed in the car for ages chatting to me. Then for a dress up party he's going as the hulk, and he's asked me to please buy him the paint and paint him.

These are just some things which are outside of our normal friendship which I find confusing! So do you think he likes me?

- john - 11-09-2012 12:19 PM

I think u are more than friends u just haven't relized it the same with a girl from college im to afaird to go for it lol but u should go for it

- Ilovecows - 11-09-2012 12:19 PM

I would say there is a 90% chance he likes you.. As you said hes a shy person and hes not confident with girls but by quoting songs and asking u to paint him as the hulk its pretty obvious hes making a move so yeah he is stepping out of his comfort zone to make the first move. stepping out of his comfort zone FOR YOU.

- Destini Rose ^_^ - 11-09-2012 12:19 PM

Yeah,i think you are more then just friends to, or at least it seems like you two mite like each other a Lil bit but ive been in the same situation and everyone thought we had something going on to, but we didn't, we where just really good friends,we made the mistake of falling for the pressure and decide to try dating and actually became bf and gf,it was the worst mistake ever,i lost my best friend(he cheated on me) and now we no longer speak, if you really care for him and value your friendship i suggest you stay friends....Goodluck(: