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Should i send her a facebook request? 10 pts? - Printable Version

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Should i send her a facebook request? 10 pts? - Fitness Guru - 11-09-2012 12:11 PM

So, theres this hot girl in my class, never talked to her directly, because we are at different tables, so we basically talk with our table group, and when the class ends she's dashes out practically. We have tables next to eachother though, but you don't talk across tables if you know what i mean. We look at eachother sometimes, but basically heres the deal. If ive never actually talked to her directly, would it be weird if i sent her a request on facebook, i never do that, i usually just wait for ppl to send me requests, etc, dont rly care about facebook. I kinda just wanna hookup, not looking for a relationship as i am a senior in HS. So, send her a request? or no?
Well, how the fuck would i ever get any action if i don't just "hookup" with someone...i don't want a girlfriend, therefore the only option is hooking up. If you were 17, would you want a serious relationship? especially if college is less than a year away? lmao...think logically here.

- Beth - 11-09-2012 12:19 PM

yes. no harm can be done by doing so Smile good luck!! XD

- Justine - 11-09-2012 12:19 PM

Go for it! I friend people who I don't talk to directly and usually they will start talking to me.

- eddie - 11-09-2012 12:19 PM

"I kinda just wanna hookup, not looking for a relationship as i am a senior in HS. "

Grow up. there's more to life than scoring a booty call. This girl, whomever she is, deserves more respect than you are willing to give her.

Additional Details:
My point still stands. Grow up. You ready to be a daddy now with college only a year away?? out of the two of us, I'm the only one thinking logically...