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Does this guy like me or am I just a friend? - Printable Version

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Does this guy like me or am I just a friend? - Njisha - 11-09-2012 12:11 PM

In my law studies, I have this guy who I really like. Before we spoke he always looked and me and I caught him looking, many times. We first started talking because he did this thing where I flinch, and it's a game and he said "you flinched" and softly taps me twice. We made this joke where "slapping" someone with your palm was loving and the back of your hand was hate (haha I don't know)

So whenever we see each other we do a fake pulling our hands back like we're going to smack each other (keep in mind, THIS IS JUST A JOKE) When we sit in class he always sits sideways and talks to me. I'll be talking to someone else and he'll always be glancing to see if I'm looking at him. We were joking and becoming friends so I friend requested him on facebook. He accepted, yea, and the next time I saw him he said "oh, so because of our jokes I am now worthy of your friend request?" And I said "calm down, it's not a marriage proposal, just a friend request. Haha" and he responded with "oh no, don't worry, the marriage proposal is later."

And we're in the same group for a mock trial, (a fake trial for experimental purposes) and whenever I'm talking to someone but him, he brings me back. Like I'll be talking to someone else and he'll say something to regain my attention. Or we won't have spoken for a couple minutes and then he'll be talking to someone else, see we aren't talking, and one time he had a ball in his hands and he tossed it over to me to get my attention. When we leave the class he always talks to me while we're leaving and going down the hallway, until we have to go our separate ways.

Does he like me or are we just casual friends (and I'm over-thinking it)

- Dave - 11-09-2012 12:19 PM

He is acting like you are casual friends, but he his flirting with you. There's no rule stating that you can't flirt with a casual friend.

HOWEVER, the odds are if he's flirting with you, he really does like you.

I'd say it's 90% certain from what you've posted here that he is hoping you might be a girlfriend (or even more) someday...

- Rachel - 11-09-2012 12:19 PM

Aw, this is cute Smile. I think he likes you especially since he's always trying to get your attention. Thanks for answering mine, by the way. x

- horsecrazy0000 - 11-09-2012 12:19 PM

awwhh im so happy for you, i think he likes you Big Grin