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Help me? I want this girl :/ and answer this question and ill seriously answer 5 of yours? - Printable Version

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Help me? I want this girl :/ and answer this question and ill seriously answer 5 of yours? - Oscyyy - 11-09-2012 12:11 PM

Ok i guess i have to tell the whole story about me and her again.. if you want just the summary skip to the stars (**************)

ok well first day of school in my first class i saw this girl named "Someone" thats what im ganna call her i dont want to say her name (i didn't know her name yet) and well she really pretty and blonde she might not have like that banging body but she has one of the prettiest faces ever and her voice is so nice and shes can dress up really nicely when she wants to. So i didnt meet her the first day but we knew each others name cuz im still in high school and we still the name game the first day of school, pretty lame but i guess we actually do learn peoples name better. but anyways im ganna fast forward to like 3 weeks before homecoming, we have sort of talked and i was thinking of asking her to homecoming but one of my friends texted her and he was like ouch dude it looks like "Guy A" is ganna ask her. and im like dang, and i didn't wanna ask her anymore because he was already thinking of asking her longer than me and im nice when it comes to things like this so i didnt do anything i just sort of talked to her moderately but then on friday like 8 days before homecoming we are in a group in a different class and we are talking about just life instead of what we were suppose to and homecoming is brought up and i still have no clue who to ask so i doubt im going but then some random guy well not random just our friend asks her if she was going to homecoming and shes like not with anyone special because "Guy A" asked her through sending her a pic by text so she said no. so i saw this as my perfect shot! so on sunday im talking to her on facebook and im like hey we should walk together before class and shes like sure and im like score! but in my head lol but on monday i got a dozen flowers and a teddy bear and i got a room to ask her in the school, so i put the flowers in the top desk all the way infront of that classroom and put her name on it and i made a power point saying will you go to homecoming with me? and yeahh lol well anyways it was 5 minutes before class was suppose to start so i told my teacher we were going to be late because i was going to ask her to homecoming and yeah i asked her and all that and she said yes and she like didnt pause when she said it or anything so i thought i was all good. but anyways later that day that other class i have with her is almost at the end of the day and shes tells me when i walk in the classroom "walk with me to my locker!" and im like "alright!" and in my head im like omg i might end up having a thing with this girl and shes so pretty and wow! i cant even believe it. but we get to her locker and there are my flowers and teddy bear and in my head im like awhh yeah! lol but then shes like did you hear about "guy B" that wanted to ask me to homecoming to? and im like yeah because someone told me in lunch and im like "why?" and shes like well because i might go with him instead to homecoming because he was planning to ask me awhile ago and hes like one of my best guy friends and im like "ok that perfectly cool" and in my head im like "FUUCKKKK MY LIFEEEE WHYYYYYY! you give me something good and now its taken away for me.. fuuuuuuuuck!" (and i dont mean it in a mean way towards her im just saying it to myself" and it was on more minute till class strted so i just headed out and was like oh dang im ganna be late i gotta go! so i leave and inside im like dead... and we still kinda talked after homecoming and all and after that day but after we switched classes in that one class we have at the end of the day (we sat next to each other) we dont talk anymore and i think i might like her even after what happened but idk i just want to talk to her again and stuff but pepole gave her **** for saying yes then no to me and people even give me crap cuz i got rejected and all that but yea idk what to do :/ any help?

i asked a girl to homecoming she said yes then no to me because someone else was ganna ask her and we kinda dont talk anymore more how do i fix this? i think i might like her! she really pretty and stuff but what i said in here sounds kinda mean and makes her look that way but look at the full story it makes her look not mean i guess lolol.

btw this is me and i wont show u her but shes REALLY pretty and like i said dosent have a banging body but is so beatiful

btw sorry for any typos or if something didnt make sense! i typed this kinda fast!

oh and i forgot to mention after homecoming we still KINDA talked it was just by text not in person. and it was only twice and its been a month since homecoming

- SDR - 11-09-2012 12:19 PM

Ok ok so I'd still try to to talk to her, you know try to get a feel if she likes someone (but don't be TOO agressive otherwise you'll come off as a creeper ok?) But you know talk to her and get to know her and if you guys hit if off ask her out on a date (important be nice but not TOO nice you'll get friendzoned);_ylt=At4tiJTS3ZbYZhY6k9H3NRgJ53NG;_ylv=3?qid=20121016181711AAHWfmD

- stylechyld11 - 11-09-2012 12:19 PM

Uh take a shower before school,slick your bangs up with hair gel,put on cologne,and don't be afraid to ask her no matter what gets in the way.And u don't need 2 answer any of my questions.Uh I'm not saying ur ugly but it might make her like you even more...ur actually pretty good looking.

- Sydney - 11-09-2012 12:19 PM

being a girl. i think that you should talk to her in person, no matter what the situation is, girls like when you talk face to face with them.
you're a good looking guy

- Michaela - 11-09-2012 12:19 PM

Yeah, that was really rude of her. It doesn't matter how good of friends she is with the other guy or if he was "planning to ask her out". Rules are, you say yes, you GO with that person, no matter what!! Doesn't matter if a prince on a white stallion asks her and pays her in 10,000 diamonds that his pet leopard shit out itself. You have to forget about her, she's not worth it, and doesn't sound like she has her priorities straight or the right manners.

Answer mine??

- Lily - 11-09-2012 12:19 PM

Tell her how you feel.

- Arianna - 11-09-2012 12:19 PM

become really good friends with her. dont give up. If she said yes to go to homecoming with another "best friend". That could be you in like a month or two. Just be there for her, thats what all girls need. She will deff think different about you

- Onedirectionfan01 - 11-09-2012 12:19 PM

May i just say you are really cute and any girl would be lucky to have you(: I know how it feels to like someone so much and not know what to do. You need to keep talking to her and try to make moves and ask to hangout, if she reacts in a way saying she doesn't like you, then you know she doesn't like you and you should move on. BUT, it's always worth a try, from what i've heard she does sound a little rude (sorry) but maybe thats just her way to cover up her sensitive side? who knows. Maybe if your friends with one of her friends get them to ask her if she has even a bit of feelings for you. Anyways, pretty much you should tell her like for example " Look i really like you, and I've been getting really mixed emotions from you, but i think you are beautiful and perfect and i just wanted you to know how i felt, i hope even if the feelings aren't mutual we can still stay friends" ?? could that work. I hope this helped and i wish you the best of luck no matter what you should tell her don't waste your time if she doesn't like you at least you tried and you didn't waste your time to get heart broken. GOOD LUCK (:

- Someone - 11-09-2012 12:19 PM

Okay dude. I'm going to be blatantly honest with you, because I'm a girl, and I'm honest. You don't need to like her anymore. And I know, I know. You can like whoever you want. But it would be in your best interest to get over her. I would be one of the people giving her shit for saying yes then no to you. You went out of your way to ask her, and then she's just going to change her mind because someone else comes along? That's not right. You asked her and she said yes. She should have kept yes as her answer. And you're attractive. You'll get other girls that aren't like that. So the only advice I can offer? Get over her. A girl like that isn't worth it.