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which is better? samsung s3, iphone 5 or iphone 4s? - Printable Version

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which is better? samsung s3, iphone 5 or iphone 4s? - Blahh - 11-09-2012 12:11 PM

i have a fliphone right now but i use an ipod touch with wifi. i can either take my sisters iphone 4s, or buy a samsung s3 or iphone 5. she is saying iphone 5 is not worth it. i want a phone that looks cool, is easy to use apps (facebook etc) , and i want to be able to read text conversations. i'm in college. which do you think is better, worth more, and why?

- OSAMA BIN LADEN - 11-09-2012 12:20 PM

If you dont want to spend money. Just take your sisters phone. If you want a new phone get a S.G.S3

- Jemimah - 11-09-2012 12:20 PM

Totally agree with the person above! ^^^
I'm getting the Samsung Galaxy S3 this Friday while my parents are getting the iPhone 5. The Galaxy S3's features are way cooler than the iPhone 5 and the S3 is thinner but the screen is way bigger (that's personal preference though). What the iPhone 4S and 5 have... Samsung pretty much already tops it. If you do decide to get an iDevice, just get your sister's. The iPhone 5's screen just got longer, some improvements to the camera, and LTE. Also, since you have an iPod Touch, you probably have a dock... and so you won't be able to use the dock with the iPhone 5 because of the new slot.

- O - 11-09-2012 12:20 PM

The iPhone 5 is coming out already outdated and outperformed by several top notch Androids, the best of which is the Samsung Galaxy S3