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What to do pleaseeeeeee?? - Printable Version

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What to do pleaseeeeeee?? - x_formula - 10-01-2012 11:11 PM

What to do pleaseeee????
Hey all....i got a cheesy question to ask but i'll ask anyway Smile
I talk with my bestfriend's friend but not all the time. Cos i've been hurt by them severally doing stuff behind my back and then later finding out. Sumhow, i ignored them completely and her friend and I got talking but on neutral grounds like hello, hi' bye kinda friends.. She likes me alot and tells my bestfriend that she respects me! Sumtyms she sends her regards to me thru my bestfriend cos she's shy of me or sumn. She's closer to her than me. So on twitter sumtime, she sebt me a DM msg and i cldnt reply cos i realised she wasnt following me but we wer both following eachother before. I tweeted at her sayin i cldnt reply cos she prolly unfollowed me or sumn but she apologised sayin she dint unfollow me n aldat..that she duno wat happened...ok, she then followed back.
Two days bck, she chkd on me on DM about hw have i been n she aint seen me we chatted there for a while and the next morning, i saw she unfollowed me. I had to e sure so i checkd a site online dat brings out a list of ur unfollowers and she was among. I was suprised like why tho? But we jus had a convo coupla hrs ago. Then i clicked on her profile n saw i wasnt followin her nymore either. I'm guessing she blocked me cos the block button on twitter doesnt actually block a person but it automatically makes you both not follow eachother anymore. M 100% sure i dint unfollow or block her. I shouldnt be worried about this anyway, its a free world but what?? Am curious and itching to satisfy my curiosity. I wana know is it another mistake from her part, unfollowin me mistakenly or she actually did unfollow/ block me??? And why?? :/ i was gna tweet at her askin if she did but its d 2ndtym n dat wld b stupid cos wat if she did actuali....i myt seem desperate abt her followin me bck agn. I casuali told my bestfriend abt it anywy, in an i-rlly-dont-care manner cos i knew she'd ask her n prolly tell me but she aint gotten bck to me on dat....agn, i upgraded my twitter app on my fone dat same day so slightly thinkin it myt b frm my part distym but i strongly doubt. Jus dnt want it to appear like i have a grudge agnst her if d mistake was from my part. Please wat would u do if it wer you???

- Alfonse - 10-01-2012 11:19 PM

Talk to her in person if possible and try to explain all from your end. I am sure much of this is a fb misunderstanding.

- Krys - 10-01-2012 11:19 PM

sounds to me like she could be 2faced. If she backstabbed u before shell do it again especially if shes blocking u after u talk....she must not want other people to see shes talkin to u or followin u, if ur confused about where u guys stand, then its not a friendship and probably will end bad if u keep trying to make it one. Dont set urself up to get hurt!