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How to get rid of ads and avoid being tagged on Facebook? - Printable Version

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How to get rid of ads and avoid being tagged on Facebook? - ❥ Lara Lea T❥ - 11-09-2012 12:13 PM

I am thinking of whether to create a facebook account, but I don't really like the idea of all the ads it has and IS there a way to rid of them?? I seen them before on my friend's page.

Also is there a way to avoid being "tagged"?? my friend doesn't think there's a way and I want to make an account but this just sounds so annoying...what's your opinion on this? is it worth it to make one??
thanks in advance. I really apreciate those who can answer my questions but also if can share your personal advice and opinion on it.thanks

- rschnitzelyoyomama - 11-09-2012 12:21 PM

You cant stop being tagged cause anybody ur friends with can tag you and it isnt a big deal if they do. As for the adds and aps, you cant get rid of them either but you just dont have to join any of the apps. I suggest getting a facebook and there are a million reasons...and honestly taggin, apps, and ads are sometimes annoying but dont really bother you much.