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Does he like me or is he being friendly? - Printable Version

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Does he like me or is he being friendly? - l0V3 - 11-09-2012 12:13 PM

I am a 16 year old sophomore girl and i would always see this boy (who is a senior) around school and i kind of knew of him cause he was friends with my friend but he would always look at me whenever we passed each other in the hallway and he always seemed really nice but i had never met him.
This weekend i finally met him at a school sports event and he was so nice and it was perfect. He said he was glad he finally met me and my friend texted me THAT DAY and showed me a message he sent her, and he told her that he finally got to meet me and that i was pretty cool!
At school this week i only usually see him at lunch, and we have come up to each other and talked for a little bit each day and he friended me on facebook and liked my profile picture.
I don't know if he likes me or if he is just being friendly...?
I don't know if it is weird that he is a senior and i am a sophomore but he is a little bit shy and mellow which i love, and i really would like to hang out with him to get to know him better, but i might have to be the one to ask him to hang out first and i don't know how to do that?! HELP?!

- Jennifer - 11-09-2012 12:21 PM

First beelieve in urself and he likes u. go up tp him be shy ask him out cutely if he says yes. hug him straight away and hell be like woah woah and blush END OF so it'll be cool good luck CX

- hope - 11-09-2012 12:21 PM

This sounds like it could go either way whether he is being friendly or that he likes you! It sounds like to me that he defenitly wants to get to know you more and enjoyed meeting you so there could be a big possibility that he does like you! But before you just assume that he does hang out and talk to him more! if you are the one asking firs then just go up and start a conversation and then suggest you guys hang out later maybe sit by each other more at lunch or something of that nature just so you guys can hang out and get to know each other better! Smile