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Can 13 year olds get in trouble for smoking weed? - Printable Version

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- Joe - 11-09-2012 12:22 PM

it's illegal for 13 year olds to smoke anything, and it's illegal to smoke weed, and it is the principles business

- urbano_mario - 11-09-2012 12:22 PM

Yes suspended jail récord ,

- Joanna - 11-09-2012 12:22 PM

Yes, they would get in trouble, i mean drugs? you could get in trouble for smoking anything if your not older than 21.
1) tell the principal or your teacher and you'll get a reward
2) ignore them and when somebody does find out, prepare for questioning.

- Nicole - 11-09-2012 12:22 PM

yeh they can, im 15 and many of my guy friends at school have done it, however they didnt even do it at school, they smoked it outside but when the teachers found out, they got kicked out and now they're in another school. one of them got caught selling it outside aswell with his friend, his friend was just there, he wasnt even doing anything but they both still got kicked out and theyre not allowed to come round and visit the school either.

dont let weed take you away from your life and friends, cos trust me, overtime when your older youre gonna wanna experience more drugs and its going to turn into chaos, even when you think you've got a good grasp on the situation

- Neil ;D - 11-09-2012 12:22 PM

I was going to say it's none of the school's business, but seeing as you said they do it at school, it sort of is. If I were you though, I still wouldn't say anything. They will get caught in due time, and you won't have to have anything to do with it. Dobbing them in for their own decisions solely in support of the fact that you and your group of friends 'dont like them' is an asshole thing to do, and you will face the repercussions, no doubt. You can involve the school all you want, but these girls sound like they'd get back at you if you got them in trouble.. I'd leave it alone. Let nature take its course.

And no, they cannot get in trouble for smoking weed. At school they can, but in general you cannot be arrested for 'being high'. You can, however, get in trouble for possessing it, and can be charged for dealing if its over a certain amount (I don't know what country your from but where I'm from its 7 grams)

- Steph - 11-09-2012 12:22 PM

Obviously they can get in trouble considering weed is illegal. They will be in trouble for posession, posession of paraphenilia (bowls, bongs, rolling papers), and whatever else they have. They will have charges against them and also be expelled from school.

- Molly Rose - 11-09-2012 12:22 PM

Yep they can, a guy when I was at school when he was about that age, got expelled for having cannabis as taking it at school, he has no qualifications at all. He's wrecked his life really for something stupid he did as a teenager x