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How do I stop myself from frequenting my crush's facebook profile so often? - Printable Version

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How do I stop myself from frequenting my crush's facebook profile so often? - iStart - 11-09-2012 12:15 PM

I hate myself for being so frequent on facebook. My log ins increase everytime I have a new crush (which is exactly the case right now). It's like I need to check his profile all the time, has a he liked any page that suggests that he digs me back, did he update his status, did he message me and all that humbug?
Do I have some personality disorder?

- Truck - 11-09-2012 12:24 PM

By getting a life.

- Conor Busse - 11-09-2012 12:24 PM

No you don't have a personality disorder. You're just an idiot. GO OUTSIDE. TRY NOT BEING ON THE COMPUTER.

- Rae - 11-09-2012 12:24 PM

Oh don't worry, you don't have any sort of problem. Your just head over heels in love. I do the same thing right now Smile
If you really want to stop, try breaking the habit. Stay off facebook, start playing a game and every time you want to visit his page don't let yourself. You'll build this habit and only check when your bored or concerned!

- YouKnowMe - 11-09-2012 12:24 PM

I think it is very normal. Who wouldn't secretly spy on someone they have a crush on? I have done it too and can become obsessed with it, whether it is an obsession with them or the person I create them to be in my head. As much as this may not help, you have to just not do it. I noticed the more I frequent my crushes pages, the more I do it. If I "just don't do it", then it is easier for me to continue not to do it.