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Do Facebook Ads (Advertising your business) really work? - Printable Version

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Do Facebook Ads (Advertising your business) really work? - Mrs.Pooboo - 11-09-2012 12:17 PM

Im wanting to put an ad for my photography page on facebook. Do you think I will get a lot of people with this, or a waste of money. I'm scared that since there are scam ads right with the real ads people will just think my ad is a scam ad to and ignore it. Has anyone really had any luck with the facebook ad?

- Jon Pace - 11-09-2012 12:25 PM

yes im pretty sure it work's, n th reason i say that is cuz you wouldnt see the same ad's up on facebook day aafter day if it didnt. those advertizer's wouldnt keep paying facebook to put th ad up if they werent making any money.

plus theres bben tons n tons of articles writtin that vouch for it.

it is pretty expensive tho-i heard like 25 cent's per click :/

- bcnu - 11-09-2012 12:25 PM

It may depend upon your target demographic. There are millions of people who have never heard of facebook and millions who do not connect to it, ever, for any reason. Your ads will obviously not hit any of those people. Also, many people use browser software that filters out (adblocks) downloads of anything that looks like an advertisement. So you would miss those hits as well.