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Is it possible to know who visited your facebook profile? - Printable Version

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Is it possible to know who visited your facebook profile? - banaf - 11-09-2012 12:17 PM

OK I've had facebook for a long time and I never thought it was, but today I visited this guy's profile after like 6 months, and 2 hours later he msged me! Weird isn't it?

- Amber - 11-09-2012 12:26 PM

he might have had the application called "anti-stalker" that let's you know who's been on your profile or not.
but other than that i dunno...

- woodrow28p - 11-09-2012 12:26 PM

yea, there are applications you can add to view who viewed your profile , I think one of them is "*insert something here* counter"

- The Sophomore - 11-09-2012 12:26 PM

NO. Facebook does NOT allow you to view who visited your profile. The applications that claim to let you know who visited are false/just for fun. It's just facebook policy.

"Facebook currently does not provide an application that allows users to track profile views or statistics on the views of any specific user content. Third party developers, however, may offer applications that provide some of this functionality. Please keep a few things in mind for these applications:

Applications CANNOT track profile visits for users who simply go to another person's profile; Facebook has made this technically impossible .

In order to be tracked by an application, you will need to specifically agree to allow the application to track your actions.

Adding an application that provides this functionality is purely optional. If you do not want to participate, please do not add the application to your account."

- Saher - 11-09-2012 12:26 PM

it even says on facebook if u go up to privacy and click on news feed and mini feed it will say on the side:

News Feed and Mini-Feed will never
publish stories about:

* Pokes
* Messages
* Whose profile you view
* Whose photos you view
* Whose notes you read
* Groups and Events you decline to join
* People you reject as friends
* People you remove from your friends
* Notes and photos you delete

- deepdock978 - 11-09-2012 12:26 PM

No. Facebook is very serious about privacy and they want to keep up that reputation. Facebook does not allow any type of tracking devices on their sites as they violate their Privacy Policy.

You may want to read up on it.