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Writers: Would this annoy you to death? - Printable Version

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Writers: Would this annoy you to death? - Joss - 11-09-2012 12:17 PM

I see that the more popular writers with rabid fan base deal with a lot of fans nagging them constantly about the next installment of their series. For example, George RR Martin. I've seen some of these authors willing answer fan questions and sometimes they get requests about side projects (maybe a game, for example) and other fans will chime in and say "no, don't bother him, he should be working on the next book," comments similar to that. I was even on an author's facebook page and he has as his facebook tagline that constantly telling him he should be working on his next book instead of being on facebook only annoys him.

Hey, i'm not even published, and I see these comments made to authors and they annoy me - and I'm not even the author, haha. It's like the author should be holed up in their house, at their desk and shouldn't even call a friend on the phone for a non-book related conversation because that''ll just push the timeline for the book's release back. Sure, Martin took 5 years to write his most recent novel, but sheesh, I think some fans are still way too fanatic and demanding, hahaha. That's my opinion.

If you were a published author of a very popular series would you welcome these comments to keep you on track or to help you realize that you have some awesome fans who love your work or are you like me and would be so damn annoyed that you'd (nearly) stop socializing on facebook/twitter/tumbler/etc just to avoid those pesky demanding fans, even if they are the very few?
@anastacia - what does that say about you when you answer a question you don't care about? Big Grin Plus, I like these types of questions and will keep asking them. If you don't, then don't answer. Really, it's simple.

- Anastasia - 11-09-2012 12:26 PM

You clearly have too much time on your hands. Who really cares?

- Kara - 11-09-2012 12:26 PM

Oh wow. I've never actually thought about it before.
I think for me it would go both ways.
To have people love what I wrote so much that all they want from me is more of my work would make me more happy than I could possibly imagine. I would be completely flattered.
But then again, writing is not the only thing I want to do, ever. If fans of mine felt that I don't deserve to do anything else, and told me that I SHOULDN'T be doing something, yes, I would get annoyed.

So, here is what I've figured. If they stated these comments in a way that made it seem like they love my work and want more of it, and would be very happy for me to write some more, I'd love it.
If they were demanding and rude, then yes, it would annoy me.

- Taylor M. - 11-09-2012 12:26 PM

Hm, interesting. I feel if I was a popular author, I would definitely want to be involved with my fans, so I wouldn't allow any irritation to keep me from communicating with them. However, I do believe it's ridiculous for fans to demand the next installment—writing a good book takes time, and you need to have inspiration and be in the right mood. I'd probably frequently remind my fans that they're not just waiting for the continuation of a story—they're waiting for a quality book. I pour my soul into my writing, so I'd want my fans to appreciate the time and dedication that that takes, and that it's a process that shouldn't be rushed.
I would probably put those thoughts in a sarcastic or joking way, though, at least half the time, instead of constantly beating them with a serious lesson. Most of them probably aren't writers, so they might not know better—only writers really understand what it means to write.
I'd also always be flattered to have such adamant fans, even if they're demanding.

- Taylor - 11-09-2012 12:26 PM

Hell yes it would annoy me! But a small part of me would be flattered.