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I'm eighteen, feel completely alone and I don't have any friends. Help me? - Printable Version

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I'm eighteen, feel completely alone and I don't have any friends. Help me? - Madam Unique - 10-01-2012 11:49 PM

Thanks in advance.

Erm, I don't no how to really start this. I'm eighteen, from England (London) and I feel alone. I don't have any friend's locally, just internet ones because I have a trust issue. I had a really bad upbringing, wasn't aloud out and felt neglected by my parents. Also had to grow up accepting my younger sibling has Autism. I went into care at the age of 16 and then moved into a hostel not long after to start independent living. All my life I've been bullied from Primary (school), Secondary (school) and College. I did have a boyfriend, we dated from 23rd Feb 2011 to 29th April 2012 (he also has Autism like my brother) and he wasn't somebody you could pin point out and go "He has a disability". He's one of the most smartest people I know. Sadly, he dumped me without reason and out the blue. I didn't question it as its who he is and he does things different. But I felt as if I lost a huge part of me. I love him, hes my soul mate and we don't even talk any-more. The whole time we was together I lived in the hostel and couple months after we broke up. I was given my own flat. (Moved in 14th August). I just feel completely alone, I don't have company, friends or family I can see. I have trust issues due to my up bringing and was constantly bullied in school and attacked. I don't no what I can do any more? Help me out.. just need help to get a social life in all honesty.

I've lost all my confidence since my ex broke up with me, I feel as if I have nobody and I have devolved manic depression over the years.. (from the age of 10).

I don't no what I can do any-more, I just want a friend.. boyfriend and to be happy.

This is me:

I'm on twitter if any of you's want to talk to me:

@MadamUnique & @SammieePaigee (SammieePaigee is my personal one)

- Gjhgjh - 10-01-2012 11:57 PM

- Mabe - 10-01-2012 11:57 PM

only you are responsible for your happiness. There isn't anyone else that will do that for you. Why not get out more, and volunteer at something that could enhance a career you might be interested in. I think you just have too much time on your hands to think. If you can find a job, that might help too. Either of these options will get you out of the apartment, and out in the world meeting people.

- savannah n - 10-01-2012 11:57 PM

I'm not sure I can offer any advice, but I can tell you you're not alone. I've been through a lot of the same things as you have. My mother and I lived on a farm until I was 14 and she sent me away to a home. I bounced around a bit after that and felt so alone and like my life had no direction. I was depressed and lonely most of the time. Then something amazing and completely unexpected happened...I met the love of my life, now my fiance, and things have just gotten better ever since. I guess what I'm saying is, don't give up hope, put yourself out there. Maybe take some classes, or find a job (if you don't already have one) and take a chance. Try to make some friends,even if you have to be completely obvious about it Smile I understand trust issies,but you have to stick your neck out and get hurt sometimes to find out who really cares. I hope this has helped.

- Jeremy - 10-01-2012 11:57 PM

your still very young. real life hasnt even started yet. the best relationships i had were in my mid 20s so dont get discouraged k Smile. also id look into community groups, maybe start up a club on craigslist if you have a hobby like baking, running, arts and crafts im sure u can get people to come hang out and do that stuff then branch from there