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I feel threatened by my friend's hotness? - Printable Version

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I feel threatened by my friend's hotness? - Soph - 11-09-2012 12:25 PM

I'm a young wife (20 years old), maybe this is something I just need to grow out of, or maybe it's normal I don't know. But I have this latina friend who is really beautiful, and a couple of years ago, I asked my now husband (who is 28) if he thought she was pretty, and he said he's not gonna lie to me, she's beautiful. I felt really jealous about it, even though I know it's true. My husband said it doesn't matter anyway because he's not looking at her in that way, and he can still think a girl is beautiful and not feel attracted to her.

He hasn't met her but he's seen pictures of her with me on facebook. The thing is she wants to come and stay with us and I'm worried about it. I do trust my husband, but I'm not sure how much I trust her. She's got a really flirty, confident personality and she knows exactly how to act around guys. I'm much more introverted then her and have less of a "sexy" personality. She's also a bit older then me and when we were friends before I used to always follow her lead, like she was batman, I was Robin kind of thing lol....

I already feel so threatened by her and I know if I see her playfully touching my husband's arm or I see them chatting together it's going to make me really jealous. I'm not actually like this normally, I don't get very jealous around pretty women talking to my husband if I don't know them. But for some reason because she's my friend, the jealousy is multiplied by 100.

I tried to talk about my worries to my husband but he says I'm being stupid, and anyway he won't find her as beautiful as me and I should just trust him that there is nothing to be worried about. It's the perfect thing to say but I believe the part about me being more beautiful then her was just to make me feel better. I just can't ever be satisfied and I know it's probably my own insecurities but can anyone give me advice on how to deal with my feelings? I don't want to be the woman who pushes a friend away because she's too a jealous and insecure.

I even had a nightmare about it last night and woke up crying. She came to stay with us and she and my husband kept making eyes at each other, and then my mom told me i would never be as beautiful as her and i need to change myself..

- rizwan as - 11-09-2012 12:33 PM

Its better and safe if u dont allow her to stay along.

- Moosie - 11-09-2012 12:33 PM

Ooh god honey... im not even joking when I say this this really damn near made me cry...
she doesn't sound sorry im not saying push her away but she sounds
like a promiscuous girl who would very easily try to do something bad to you
(steal your hubby)...she sounds like a very manipulating person i'd just keep it safe
and just not mention her anymore to your hubby or family just keep you and her on goings time goes by she will fade away into the shadows and your life will move on and your hubby will surly forget about her...again im not saying push her away but as I said keep her like a private little secret, keep her close as a friend but a friend that no one has to know about..I was in a situation very similar and I should done just making drama over something so touchy like this is some drama you do NOT want to invite into your life trust me...I made the mistake of inviting the drama and I was a wreck and out of paranoia and jealousy and left my boyfriend and haven't spoken to my friend in a very long time (years)...forget about..remember this..who's the one with the husband?..who's the one who got married to him...she may be "beautiful" but its true NEVER as beautiful as you...who did he get married to hun?...remember she will NEVER compare to you..your husband got married to you...NOT she OBVIOUSLY LACKS something that you have...just don't mention her and your on goings to your hub or family and don't mention your hubs/fams on goings to her...the problems will ALL go away just DON'T let the feelings get the best of you! me it will ALL be fine...and the nightmare...see that's where the feelings get you DON'T let the feelings get you its not worth it...just do what I said and play it safe...I should have made that choice..