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How to make a lot of friends on facebook? - Printable Version

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How to make a lot of friends on facebook? - Arturo Ortiz - 11-09-2012 12:25 PM

How can you make a lot of friends on facebook. My cousin checks his facebook and he always has friend request, I never really get any, I have to friend people. It would be nice for people to send you the friend request. How do people do it, is it just luck?

- Casey - 11-09-2012 12:34 PM

You do know that maybe half of the people your cousin has as friends probably does not know them in person

Just saying

- Bob - 11-09-2012 12:34 PM

Why does it really matter, Facebook IS a waste of time. Regardless, if I meet someone new and want to keep contact, I will Friend them on Farcebook. Otherwise, of the ~180 people friended on my Facebook, I'd call 2 close family, about 10 friends, 2-3 basically strangers, and the rest acquaintances (estranged or not).

- crystal bby - 11-09-2012 12:34 PM

to answer your question.. if you friend people, youre name will start popping around and someone ought to friend you.

its like when you started out. if you didnt start friending and announcing that youre here now, nobody wouldve known.

and there's really nothing to it. no luck or whatever. its just people and them friending you first or not. it really doesnt go deeper than that.

typically and obviously, if youre popular or well-known, you tend to get a lot of requests. it just works like that(;

and now to another point..

i keep my fb strictly friends and family only (i mean, why would i want total strangers viewing some semi-personal stuff?).. so if i were to get a friend request, it would hopefully be from someone i know.

well, why would you want it full of strangers to boost the number? like someone said, probably a third of them your cousin has never known.

id rather have a hundred of people im close friends with, family, and some aquantinces than 2300 with half being people ive never seen before..(:

and who really cares how many friends youve got? shallow people maybe.. but we dont really care about them anyway, remember?(:

just dont worry about it. if they want to friend you, they will. and if you want, you approach them first(:

- Greg - 11-09-2012 12:34 PM

It's usually based on how many friends you have in real life.

- Dennis Chan - 11-09-2012 12:34 PM

People who send you friend requests are your classmates or people you know, so if you gets one friend request, you are too lucky.