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I need some serious advice about a touchy topic? - Printable Version

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I need some serious advice about a touchy topic? - ★ Ðяєäмíŋg Ôυт Łøυ∂ ♥ - 11-09-2012 12:26 PM

I'll sum up the story as best as I can.
Basically, my mother went to visit her family this February in Malaysia (we live in Canada), and during her visit, an argument arose between her and her step sister. I didn't know anything about this, and was just talking to one of my aunty's asking how my mom's doing and all, and she told me that my cousin, also living in Malaysia, the daughter of my mom's stepsister, was writing explicit demeaning things about my mother via Facebook.

I log on, and see nothing. I then log on to my younger brother's account (who also has this cousin on Facebook). By the way, let's call this cousin "Nora". So I see dozens of statuses about how my mother is a whore, a slut, streetwalker, etc (DUDE, my mother is married to the church!). And regardless, I got pissed off. I wrote on her wall that if she has a problem with my mum, that she should say it to my face. And she said what I thought she'd never say, she said something to the effect of "Shutup you don't even know who your real father is, you dirty blood, why don't you come talk to me after you find out who your dad is!", and much, much more horrible things that made me cry (I'm 19, I know I should've been mature but she is even OLDER than me, she is 21!) Anyways, at this point I delete her from me and my brother's Facebook.

Next day -I'm looking around our mutual cousin, "Lizzie's" profile, only to see that Nora has left a page of more disgusting hate. I responded with calm, punctuated sentences without a single insult so she couldn't use that as a reason to hate me. As if she had a reason to hate me in the first place! Now Lizzie goes on Facebook daily, but didn't for a whole week. *Coincidence?!*. She left the argument up on her wall for everyone to see for like a week! Anyway, I made a status without using Nora's name or anything, just saying, it's funny how low people can go with all their senseless anger, and I get a message from Lizzie telling me to stop my trash talking. As if this was MY fault! Lizzie has always been like a sister to me, but she totally defended Nora KNOWING, and seeing with her OWN eyes what happened. I told her how I felt and she said to forget about it because 'haters gon hate'. But like 10 minutes Nora was writing all over Lizzie's Facebook about how she can't wait to hang out and have fun together, and Lizzie responded in the same manner. My mother physically, literally raised Lizzie until she was around 14. Nora called me mom unspeakable names and called me out on not having a father figure as if it's my fault. Knowing this, Lizzie still continues to be friends with Nora. I feel like deleting her, I'm so stressed the F out right now. I feel as if I delete her now she won't understand my reasoning, but I want her to know why. Should I hit 'like' for one of the posts Nora posted on Lizzie's wall so Lizzie will know I see all this and that's why I deleted her? Or should I not care and keep her regardless. Her sisters and I are all close, but I know if I delete Lizzie, that means losing all the sisters as well.

-I know you shouldn't judge a person on their decision to make their own friends, but after all we did for her and how much I was there for her, I feel as if she backstabbed me.
What should I do? If someone called you dirty blood and other cruel, cruel absurdities, and your close cousin basically became best friends with her, what would you do?! Any help is good help, thank you!

- Jim - 11-09-2012 12:34 PM


- Nuuvox - 11-09-2012 12:34 PM

If there is one thing I know about people, it is that they act differently face to face thsn online. When you have an argument on facebook it is public and people will get very defensive because everyone they know is ' watching.'

I would recommend apologizing to her face to face(even though she is the one out of line), just the two of you. Calmly tell her your concerns and how it made you feel. sounds like she was Way out of line but sometimes you have to choose: do I want to be right? Or have a lasting, good relationship?