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How to safeguard Facebook? - Printable Version

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How to safeguard Facebook? - choco334 - 11-09-2012 12:26 PM

What are some of your top tips to safeguard your Facebook so that people cant hack your account and things are much tougher for cyberbullies? Some key things to say:
. Most of my settings are at friends only- includes wall posts, the school I go to e.g
. I have not got my mobile phone number on there
. I have not got my address on there
. The age it says on my profile is my actual age
. On my name it hasn't got my middle name

- sewrobb - 11-09-2012 12:34 PM

Use at least a 10 character password made up of upper and lower
case letters with numbers mixed in.

[All my passwords are all different for various sites are 16 to 20 so
let them try and crack them!]

Put your Privacy Settings to Friends Only.

Don't put any phone numbers up.

Don't put things up that cause attention or misinterpretation.

About sums it up!