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Facebook Video Ads, how to stop them? - Printable Version

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Facebook Video Ads, how to stop them? - ipwnyou2021 - 11-09-2012 12:29 PM

As the title applies, every page on Facebook (whether its my wall, news feed, someone else wall, etc) seems to play 2 to 3 video ads AT THE SAME TIME!
they never go away, refreshing the page or going to another page just makes them come up again, and its becoming really annoying. the Facebook help desk doesnt show where to disable video ads, and Ive downloaded many programs like Greasemonkey that just don't help to stop them.

Anything i can do? Or do i just have a virus that ONLY effects facebook? I dont click on any links that are spam or virus links, im smart enough not to do that.

- AashuzoNE - 11-09-2012 12:37 PM

stop ads by download adblock (google it)

- Respectedtray384 - 11-09-2012 12:37 PM

use AdBlock to prevent ads.

good luck!