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Why am I so scared to talk to my crush?? How to break the ice? - Printable Version

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Why am I so scared to talk to my crush?? How to break the ice? - joshpeckfreak - 11-09-2012 12:31 PM

Ok so im 20 and my crush is 26...I REALLLY like him lol. My name is Hannah and his name is Justin and we live two very different lifestyles. He lives in LA and I live in Georgia lol. He is a upcoming musician(i already know the backstory on that so no explanations :]) and I'm just a regular poor country girl, but without the country accent lol.. I have talked to him on the phone once..but my voice started going really high and I couldn't say anything but yeah, cool, okay. And also..I live with my family, and they are always in my business. I can't shut the door to my room, I cannot go in the bathroom. I can only stay outside for so long. The first time Justin did call me..they started asking questions. And I can't ever have any privacy. And I had to lie and say it was one of my school friends. I mean...I can talk to him on Facebook like its nothing lol..which is weird. And also, I know he likes me cause he's always telling me that he loves me, calls me dollface, he even told me I should come to L.A. I was on a call with him the other day and I had to hang up randomly and I had to lie and say I ran out of minutes..I'm tired of having to run around. So can anyone give me some nice advice or something about overcoming my fear? Don't be mean. Thanks Smile
I mean...he has a he can't possible really reject me lol..i guess? And...I live in a Conservative, Christian household, so according to my family I AM allowed to talk to whoever I want..but they question me about it so I choose not too..I met him thru Facebook.
He flirts with all girls lol. And well how can I break him out of my life?

- Stagnant Wishes - 11-09-2012 12:39 PM

You're just scared of rejection. Don't have any expectations.

Answer my question:;_ylt=AgkmnfMsTCVeKUgCkZBcTALty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120916225643AAWcJw0

- mythbuster9 - 11-09-2012 12:39 PM

You just need practice talking on the phone. It's a natural reaction to a crush. Just make sure it's what you really want, and make sure that you'll be okay with the consequences of introducing him to your family.

- Abby - 11-09-2012 12:39 PM

You are 20 years old and ur not allowed to talk to guys? That suxx... How did you even meet him? You should just talk to him and call him more I guess. Whats there to lose? He lives in another state.

- Uchiha - 11-09-2012 12:39 PM

Sounds like it is time to move out! Twenty years old and they treat you like you are six. You can not close the door in your room?!??!!!!? DX Or go in the bathroom?!

Well anyway back to the issue (less scary one at least!) If this guy has a gf and is talking and flirting his as!s off with you... well he will also cheat on you. Just to let you know. I hope that you can meet a guy that will treat you ok. :B