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TWITTER HELP! REALLY CONFUSED!? - Hannah - 11-09-2012 12:32 PM

Sorry about the capitals but i am really confused! Well i have a twitter account and i dont know how to use it in the 2012 version.. Well i know how you tweet people you put the '@' sign before the username! Because i really really really want conor maynard to follow me! And i dont know howSad!! Also I noticed on his tweets if you press 'open' a load of comments come up and i really want to comment as well but theres no comment box? I press reply and reply but then i still dont come up on the comments? I dont understand? Also i want to know how to get more followers? .. If somebody experienced with twitter can comment with a LONG paragraph about how to use it etc i would be SOOOO grateful as i dont understand?
Oh and also i want to know if your ment to get a notification when someone mentions you! I get a notification on my phone but on my laptop am i ment to get a notification like facebook?
Thank you!

- Olivia - 11-09-2012 12:40 PM

On Twitter, you obviously create your profile and everything and you tweet whatever you want. You can follow whoever you want by either looking up their full name or there "@" name. Sometimes, when you reply to a tweet, it doesn't show up for a while. That doesn't mean that you didn't reply/comment. You can also tweet to that specific person. There is no guarantee that it'll be acknowledged or even read, especially if it's a celebrity. You can't make someone follow you, they have to choose to do so on their own. The best way to get more followers is to follow a bunch of other people and tweet interesting things. You aren't supposed to get notifications on twitter like you do on Facebook. However, if you look at the top of your screen you will see a home tab and a connect tab. If you click on connect, you can see if someone has tweeted to you, replayed to one of your tweets, or retweeted one of your tweets. I hope this helps Smile