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How can i re-introduce my friendship with this girl? - Printable Version

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How can i re-introduce my friendship with this girl? - Fred - 11-09-2012 12:33 PM

So basically, I went to the same school as this girl in primary school and junior and kept relatively constant contact with her all of the last two years but now we're both in 6th form i was thinking about going to the same school as her as i knew her and some other people from before, but i ended up going to a different one and now we've sorta gone out of contact with each other for the past two months or so, and now im realising i should've gone to that school, but it's too late to go to her school jow and so i'm wondering how to like ask her if she wants to go out (as friends) sometimes or if i can go with her sometimes to some things but i'm not sure really how to say it without seeming really needy, like so should i invite her out a few times or ask her if i can go with her, oh yeah by the way only means of comunication are through facebook Confused and its hard to time myself going on when she is, any suggestions/helpfull comments are thanked

- Amy - 11-09-2012 12:41 PM

Just send her an email on facebook. She'll get it whenever she is on. Just start of casually... something like, 'Hey you, long time no speak, how have you been?'. Once you two start talking, just casually invite her to hang out or something. If she's interested then you'll see she still want to be friends. If she's not... then it's just not worth it.