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How do I make friends? - Jesse - 11-09-2012 12:33 PM

Hello, yes. I am Jesse, age 16. My hobbies include, watching anime, reading manga, playing games, writing, and all forms of discovering and listening music. But I am no slob, although my hobbies typically follow slothfulness for not all, but alot of people. I go to the gym with my gamer father regularly. I find myself, I suppose moderately attractive, I mean I like the way I look, i'd also say i'm confident (enough). I was not raised on naive thinking, I know life can really suck at times. But my question is how do I make friends? I am home schooled, so the typical way normal kids get friends is closed to me. I have friends I mean, I have Charles whom I met when I was 3. But 1 person cant fulfill the needs of another just himself. He cant always be there, especially since he has friends of his own. I am clingy, and obsessive, if I do have a girlfriend I want her to be clingy to, I mean texts count as attention, but thats what I want, attention. I know in the stereotypical relationship you'll get attention, but im just saying. I am codependant, from my mother, I need others. My only brother age 8 hates me for unknown reasons and my older sisters have moved out. My worst fear and phobia is being alone, and I get really lonely, and that leads to depression. My goal is to branch out, meet people, maybe find a girlfriend. I'm not awkward. I have a facebook, and unlimited texting. But how can you find friends on facebook if the way to find friends on facebook is "People you may know", via the friends they supposedly expect you to have. Same with texting. I want people near me, I want to hangout, and do stuff, I want a girlfriend. And Im not afraid to go out there and get it, help me out internet. I'm lost and i'll do what need be, if I only knew where to start and what to do once there. Any and all answers, hints, and tips are appreciated. Thank you.

- Katherine - 11-09-2012 12:41 PM

My mom would always tell me that when she was little, she would just go up to people and be like, "Hi, my name is Patty. Do you want to be friends?" Lol.

Add the people on the "people you may know" section on facebook. Add girls and them message them something like, "Hi, my name is Jesse. I'm home schooled and I want to get to know some people. You seem cool. Smile"
That's how I met a lot of the people I talk to. They would message me saying stuff like, "Hey, I've seen you around. You seem cool. We should be friends. Smile" And a lot of those people became really good friends of mine. (No creeps, just people from my school and other schools nearby.)
It's not that hard. Once you talk to them for a while you can hang out with them. And also, why don't you hang out with Charles and his friends?

- Arial - 11-09-2012 12:41 PM

Just walk up to a friendly person and introduce yourself and have a good conversation. When the talk gets boring ask for their number so you can stay in touch and say bye. I think it works best at a part time job that's what I did now I have two BFFs who are like family Smile hope it helped

- Itzel - 11-09-2012 12:41 PM

*sigh* I know how you feel Jesse . what you're saying hit close to home. I graduated early and only two of my close friends stuck by me while the others drifted away, but now they also seem like they have other things to do and well they have more friends too and they haven't talked to me in a month. so i'm also kind of friendless and i got to a point where i got really really depressed about that because they don't even text me anymore Sad (one even deleted me out of her facebook!). one day though (like yesterday tee hee) , i snapped out of it and i realized that the world is a really big place (i live in a big city) and well i developed a plan. I think i should talk to my neighbors more, get a job (i applied for one already), volunteer, join sport teams, make online friends in anime websites (we have things in common ^-^) i even got a puppy and he seems to fill some kind of void . so like if you ever feel alone just msg. me. we can be pen-pals =) we have to start from somewhere right?