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how do you get rid of facebook timeline and go back to the original profile page? - Printable Version

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how do you get rid of facebook timeline and go back to the original profile page? - Joe - 11-09-2012 12:33 PM

HELP!! idk how this happened but all the sudden my facebook went to facebook time line even i dont want facebook timeline so how can i go back to the original facebook layout????

- K - 11-09-2012 12:41 PM

I heard that you can't and that everyone is going to be converted to Timeline soon :/.

- Sienna - 11-09-2012 12:41 PM

If Facebook are making time line compulsory, I'm out. I can't stand time line, it's horrible. No one knows how to get rid of it.

- Nate - 11-09-2012 12:41 PM

We should all make a Facebook page petition to change it back and no more timelines get millions of likes

- abraXus - 11-09-2012 12:41 PM

there is no way to get rid of it - everyone is being converted to the timeline - it's the new look for facebook

here's how to set it up

- SteveO - 11-09-2012 12:41 PM

No one has been on the original Facebook layout for years now...I would know since I've been on the site since launch in 2004. And you cannot get rid of's a permanent update to the Facebook platform, just like the other 3,4 or 5 previous updates. Since Facebook forces these kinds of updates, the best thing is to just get used to it and use it even if you don't like it. This is typical from Facebook, so I've learned to just not care and adapt to the changes.

@nate We've done petitions in the past...they don't work. Facebook still does what they want.

@Sienna I guarantee you'll stay on Facebook even if you don't like the Timeline. Facebook has been forcing updates like this for years, and everyone just gets used to them. It's just how Facebook is, and there's nothing to do aside from either jump off Facebook or deal with it. Change happens, so just go with it. Timeline is actually pretty easy to use and figure out...I've been using it as a developer for months now.