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facebook groups/fans? - Printable Version

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facebook groups/fans? - Jackson J - 11-09-2012 12:34 PM

what are some cool/fun groups to join on facebook. I know they're for oppinoin but i want to hear some things you guys joined.

- elizabeth - 11-09-2012 12:43 PM

i joined one the other day that said "when i pull out one piece of gum it seems like everybody in a 10 mile radius wants a piece" and i joined one today that said" sometimes i just open the fridge and stare for no apparent reason" my FAVORITE! was "i Hate it when there is no desk in front of me doesnt have a basket under it where i cant put my feet up"

- Kennedy - 11-09-2012 12:43 PM

I've joined cancer groups (Not exactly fun, but a good cause ya know) Um,
'If one thousand people join we'll hit eachother with wet cats'
'If one million join my girlfriend will let me turn the house into a pirate ship'
Just stupid ones like that.

- Peace&Love - 11-09-2012 12:43 PM

"No, I thought I'd balance my goods on my head, yes I'd like a fxcking bag." I love that. Like, when the cashiers ask you if you want a bag when it's so completely obvious that you do need one! "When I found out there was an arrow in the Fed Ex logo, it blew my mind." Yeah, go look. It's right between the E and the X. I literally gasped when I saw it. Ha ha. "Oh sh!t, we had homework?" Always happens to me(; I became a fan of "Stopping the microwave before it hits 0:00 to avoid hearing the 'BEEPS'" I do that every single time! "You're on and I want to talk to you, BUT I'm not saying hi first." Seems to always happen to me.. "I hate the little triangle that is never wiped by the windscreen wiper." And one of my favorites because it's just so ironic: "I read the group name, I laugh, I join, I never look at it again."

So, those are some groups I've joined these past couple of days(:

- Spotty-Dotty - 11-09-2012 12:43 PM