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How do I set Facebook privacy so a certain group or person can't view what my other friends wrote on my wall? - Printable Version

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How do I set Facebook privacy so a certain group or person can't view what my other friends wrote on my wall? - ccrse - 11-09-2012 12:35 PM

Yepp I need to restrict some wall post. Is it possible so that a group or one person can't view what the other have wrote?? but he will be able to write on the wall and those who are not restricted can see his comment.

Don't know if u get me right but I hope.

- Strawberrygirl - 11-09-2012 12:44 PM

Well you can block someone off your facebook, but that would mean they have absulutely no contact with your wall, they won't be able to see it, read it, comment on it or anything. They won't be able to see any photos of you, except your profile picture and who is your facebook friend. To do this, go to the Friend's Tab, and click the X button. This will delete them from your friends.
I don't think there is a way of doing what you asked for.

- Melody - 11-09-2012 12:44 PM

That's a great question. Try going to "Settings"
Then scroll down until you see "Privacy", then click "Manage"
They don't have settings that will specifically state who can see your wall posts, but hopefully it will solve part of your problem.

- maegenr8 - 11-09-2012 12:44 PM

You can block someone from being able to see your wall completely. You cannot block them from only certain people. To block a person completely from your wall go to:
-Settings in the top right corner
-then Privacy Settings
-Click Profile
-Scroll down until you see Wall Posts then click on its drop down menu
-Select Customize
-Below where it says except these people type in the name of the person you do not want to be able to see it and press okay.

Back at the top of the screen you should be on, is a box where you can type in a person's name to see how they will see your profile.

Hope this helps!!