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This gay girl really caught my attention. I want to start talking to her but don't know how...? - Printable Version

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This gay girl really caught my attention. I want to start talking to her but don't know how...? - heyyy - 11-09-2012 12:36 PM

I'm an 18 year old lesbian and it's my 1st year in college. I went to my school's GSA 3 times already (which is once a week) and it's amazing. About 60-80 people come each week. So that first week, i saw this girl and I was instantly attracted to her. Usually i go for fems but with a little sportiness, tho im not big on "types" or "labels", love is love you know. But she's kinda bad-ass punkish; with a lip ring, dark clothing, and she smokes which i really don't like but watever. At that meeting, i was able to find out her name, since we all said something about ourselves, and she also said she's a super senior, which probably makes her like 21 or 22, so idk about the age difference.

The 2nd time she didn't come to the meeting, but i saw her there today and really was hoping to talk to her but i couldnt. She knows a lot of people since she's been at the school for a while and im new since im a freshie. I've taken a bunch of chances tho. Even tho i never talked to her, i added her as a friend on facebook, and liked her status and facebook profile pic (not the same day of course) in hopes of her messaging me, but nothing ever happened.

I was kinda thinking of messaging her on facebook something like, "heyy, i know we haven't talked, but i think we should Smile". I dont know if i should be that straightforward tho haha. But i really dont wanna wait til wednesday, since i only see her at the meetings, waiting to talk to her which i might not even be able to. The only thing that happened today was i walked over to my friend who happened to be right near her, and she kinda turned around and looked at me for a sec. So literally nothing has happened lol.

If you were in my position, what would you do? Thanks Smile

- stop2think - 11-09-2012 12:45 PM

Be patient you will get your chance and then she will want to talk to you as much as you do to her.

It is great that you know where to find her on Wednesday at least - keep your eye out for her in school you will see her. It sounds like she might stand out in a crowd a bit.

Don't push the facebook thing it cannot project the real you, because your aura cannot shine through over the computer. Be patient and start things off the right way with her.

- Cat - 11-09-2012 12:45 PM

Just talk to her! Dont worry you seem nervous just when you get the chance say "hey im ..." and maybe you can start a conversation. im pretty shy so i get how hard it can be to say even hi but try to work up the nerve to say something and maybe you might get to know each other!Smile)))

- Susan - 11-09-2012 12:45 PM

Eh, don't do Facebook. It's impersonal!!!!
Say hi to her in person. Get to know her through SPOKEN words.
That's way better than cyber chat.
Kudos to you for liking someone beyond your 'type'. That's always fun.