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how to stop people seeing comments i like showing up on friends newsfeeds on facebook? - Printable Version

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how to stop people seeing comments i like showing up on friends newsfeeds on facebook? - Della - 11-09-2012 12:36 PM

How can I stop comments/photos/pages I 'Like' or comment on from showing up on my friends newsfeeds?

My profile is set to private and my settings allow only 'Friends' to see my status updates which is fine. But now apparently people who are my 'Friends' can also see on their newsfeed if I comment on a status of someone they're not even friends with, and the same if I like a photograph etc.

The same also happens with my 'Friends', they'll comment or 'Like' a status or picture of people I don't even know, yet it'll show up on my newsfeed.

How can I stop this?

I've started a new job at a small museum who have a facebook page that I have liked and make comments on etc but now I've found out that all my family and friends can see what I'm upto and what's going on and it's really annoying me that they can see it

- teenynumber941 - 11-09-2012 12:45 PM

Set your Privacy settings to what you wished for. Its easy to set things and secure things.

- abraXus - 11-09-2012 12:45 PM

add those people to your restricted list - it's the only way to prevent it