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Will Barbara Boxer be politically outboxed by Hewlett Packard's former CEO Carly Fiorina? - Printable Version

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Will Barbara Boxer be politically outboxed by Hewlett Packard's former CEO Carly Fiorina? - demhater - 11-09-2012 12:36 PM

Although she has yet to formally announce a bid for Senate in California, Carly Fiorina, the former HP CEO, has just launched her campaign website.

It includes the tagline: "Carlyfornia Dreamin' "

Upon entering the page, a series of phrases flash across the screen: "It's day & night. It's dogs & cats. It's good & bad. It's Carly vs. Boxer. Coming soon?"

Fiorina currently has 16 supporters on her Facebook page and 48 followers on Twitter.

The netroots have begun making fun of the site's simplicity, including by releasing this video titled, "Worst Political Website Ever."

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee also recently released a web video targeting Fiorina's record. The NRSC responded to the video this morning in a statement to Politico, in which spokesman Brian Walsh said the increased attention the Dems are paying to an unannounced candidate "only speaks to the growing vulnerability of Barbara Boxer."

- johnwayne - 11-09-2012 12:45 PM

I hope that Boxer and Feinstein both lose their senate seats, its mostly their fault that California is in such a sorry financial state now!

- mooyang - 11-09-2012 12:45 PM

Based on her stellar performance at HP, Carly will have a hard time winning over any Californians.

- drewdun - 11-09-2012 12:45 PM

While i think that would be wonderful, the concept of a Republican beating a Dem statewide in California is pure fantasy. Arnold did it only because Gray was sooooooo unpopular. The GOP is in for a very very long hibernation in California, i am afraid. Unless of course, Eduardo Verastegui becomes a US Citizen and runs for office there.

- Wally Z - 11-09-2012 12:45 PM

No way. Boxer is well thought of here in California. She would have a better chance at Feinstein but it is still not enough to win. Fiorina has some big negatives coming from when she almost bankrupted HP. Especially when she ignored everyone's advice not to buy Compaq and later had to lay off tens of thousands of employees to try to break even. Today, HP still hasn't fully recovered and their printer business, aka their bread and butter product line, is now under constant attack. z

- Marvin the Martian - 11-09-2012 12:45 PM

It would be nice to see that wench Boxer trotted off into the sunset, but Carly Fiorina is hardly the person for the job.

Fiorina was justifiably savaged for her poor performance at HP, but truth be told the company was already a sinking ship long before she got there.