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Do you think this is normal / harmless behavior for an adult? - Printable Version

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Do you think this is normal / harmless behavior for an adult? - Jimmy K - 11-09-2012 12:38 PM

My sister seems to live in this fantasy world - she gets seriously obsessed with a movie or tv show and for months you can barely get her to talk about anything else and she talks about the characters like they are real people she knows. She learns every single thing ever about the show which is fairly impressive if I didn't think that she really thought she lives in the world.

Usually she gets this "crush" on someone too - currently its Dwight from the office, well... Rainn Wilson the actor specifically and if you didn't know they were famous from the way she talks you would think it was someone she was honestly dating. She says she talks to them (she means she writes on their facebook and tweets at them) and things like that.

So... if she was still 13 it would be cute but she is 27 and its kind of creepy. She has like no friends at all - I mean she holds down a steady job and has a house and keeps all her life straight that way but it seems really abnormal that she goes so crazy intense about tv shows. Should I try to say something to her?

Also, she is a pretty girl and always has boys after her, most of them that meet her at work but she never EVER goes out on any dates. She's never once shown up to a family event with a guy (or girl - we wouldn't care)!

- schmitty62 - 11-09-2012 12:47 PM

Seems like she is trying to escape something. Did she deal with any painful events as a child, or was she abused?

- beach2cb - 11-09-2012 12:47 PM

No, it doesn't really sound normal. But I don't think you should say anything or that there's anything you can do. If she's satisfied with her life, then so be it. If she's not satisfied, then eventually she'll seek help, which it sounds like she may need.

- Iraterifle737 - 11-09-2012 12:47 PM

perhaps if you tell her that you love her very much and that you are worried,concerned and think she may need help..let her know that she means alot to you and can come to or call you anytime to talk..maybe tell her that you have become so worried that you wrote this...and show it to her....wish you both well.