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ONE DIRECTION INFECTION!? - Sariah - 10-02-2012 01:00 AM

Hey people, I really need help, I'm obsessed with One Direction!!! I might go to a concert but I'm not sure. I have absolutely no merchandise! Whatsoever!!! I have a Twitter account but they never answer me!! If they answer you could you at least let them know about my big case of the Infection! My name is Sariah Tenor ( It may pop up as ceceleiraih ) my E-Mail is in case you get more suggestions after you answer. I'm not at all trying to sound or act greedy, I'm just a normal girl who loves One Direction! Please no haters in the comments, I will get enough in school! Lots of Love, Sariah the One Direction freak.

- Godzilla! - 10-02-2012 01:08 AM

whats wrong with this generation?

- DannyXInsanity - 10-02-2012 01:08 AM

No offense but putting your personal info here is just gonna get you a lot of people sending you messages telling you how 'gay' and mainstream 1D is. I personally think they're just the new Jonas Brothers.

- Sparkly - 10-02-2012 01:08 AM

Get some friends. 1D sucks