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Does he like me or her? - Printable Version

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Does he like me or her? - Avery Skalla - 11-09-2012 12:41 PM

So last night I went to our high school’s football game with this one junior that I like (and I’m a freshman). We were cuddling and kissing and like holding hands basically the entire game. One of his friends was like “So is this Mrs.. Ronnie Miller” and he was like “Yes.” and he also said I was his boo. Also someone asked if I was his girlfriend and he said not yet; I thought that meant he really liked me. So today I was scrolling through my facebook feed and he posted a status and was the lyrics’ to Frank Ocean’s song “Thinkin Bout You”. It said “Baby I’ve been thinkin bout forever! with a heart after it and it had some chicks name like with it. Like that message was meant for her. So I then kinda stalked his profile and like there were a couple more statues about her and she is always tagging him in her pictures. She doesn’t even live in the same state as us and it makes me sad and a little jealous because I want to be the one he is writing statues about. So I’m am like really confused….

- Chelsea - 11-09-2012 12:49 PM


- Rebekka - 11-09-2012 12:49 PM

He likes you, but has a past with her. If it makes you concerned, it is best to ask him. Don't push around the situation and freak out without asking him. And be easy when you ask. Don't constantly question him.

- Jess - 11-09-2012 12:49 PM

juniors sometimes look at freshmen like fresh meat, and can take advantage of them. but don't worry, because if I were you id feel the exact same way. if she doesn't live in the same state, you don't have much to worry about because he sees you everyday. He may just be caught between two girls and doesn't know which one to date but at the same time it is totally wrong of him to play 2 girls at once. all I have to say is be careful, and watch out incase he is taking advantage Of you