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Am I a normal teen?? - Printable Version

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Am I a normal teen?? - Your - 11-09-2012 12:42 PM

Hi(: So I go to a charter high school (which is pretty much independent study), so I'm at home most of the time. I really don't have many friends, I probably only have like 9 that are actually more than just acquaintances, so I rarely go out and do stuff with friends. Lately I've been feeling really depressed and lonely, cause I'll see other people with alot of other friends and I'll see people post pictures on Facebook of them with a group of friends and it makes me realize how lonely I really am. I'm very smart, and very mature for my age. I feel like I'm not getting to experience my teenage years at all because I never do anything and the most rebellious thing I've done is stretched my ears up another size behind my dad's back. I want to get in trouble and do stupid stuff and have regrets and just be a teenager (I know where to stop though) but I don't know what to do. I'm thinking about going to a regular high school next year but I'm not sure because I'm also pretty shy. I just don't know what I should do any tips please?

- Md - 11-09-2012 12:51 PM

I think so

- Pink - 11-09-2012 12:51 PM

You're a normal teenager. And although u want to have fun going out with some ppl doeant always go well you. Public schools are so bad now days. Honestly kids these days are aweful girls getting pregnant left and right, guys having no respects for girls you're better off where you are and 9 friends is enough. You can hangout witb them take pictures with them. And I'm sure your family doesn't have u in public school for a reason. They don't want u to be hurt or get in trouble. You sound like a good smart girl don't change because you think its cool its not.

- The guy - 11-09-2012 12:51 PM

The grass isn't always green on the other side. It's green where you water it. Start hanging out with those friends that you have now and ignore what you see on facebook. That images are nothing more than a big fat photoshop of their lives. Carefully selected photos to show you what they want you to think their lives are but in reality they are just as sad and lonely as you claim to be. They may not be depressed about the same things you are but everyone has problems so you're just as normal as everyone else

- Alexander - 11-09-2012 12:51 PM

You are normal. Just try and get out a bit more with your group of friends and maybe just try and talk back to your mum and dad a couple of times - but just if you think they are wrong! Take pictures with your friends and go out to the cinema or the park or the theatre. You seem like a nice person, just see what will happen!

- Lagartijamorada - 11-09-2012 12:51 PM

Having 9 friends is not 'not having friends'.... Me i get depressed sometimes because Im at home doing nothing all day, my friends are too lazy sometimes. But yeah, the thing you need to do is just try hanging out more with them friends... and yeah, maybe smoke some weed, it will always put you in a good mood no matter what, it can help relationship with a friend alot more (if you do it with them) because it just chills you out, opens your mind and its fun, so yeah thats my advice, it helps me quite abit. But yeah you are a normal teenager

- sarah. - 11-09-2012 12:51 PM

well we sound a lot alike. seriously.
|i also attend a hater school, have very few friends, am very mature for my age, and spend my days at home. but i didn't choose to be the person i am now. i was the rebellious teenager who has many regrets. i would be so happy to be in your place. but i do know the feeling of wanting to just be normal. thats what cause me to be rebellious..i thought that if i was bad that i would be normal. but as long as you know your limits and just want to do silly teenager things i say go for it. everyone needs that one opportunity to make a teenager goof up, ya know? and about going to a regular high school, i've never been to one before but id love to get the opportunity. i say go for it. take the chance and maybe step out of your comfort zone a little bit. but overall, YES, you are a normal teenager.