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How do I upload and put bumper stickers in my Facebook profile? - Printable Version

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How do I upload and put bumper stickers in my Facebook profile? - Butterfly - 11-09-2012 12:44 PM

I already uploaded bumper stcikers of my own to try to put in my Facebook profile, they are already uploaded but I cant get them to be placed in my profile, how can I do that? why doesnt the bumper sticker I created and uploaded I cant get it to be placed in my profile?
Yes I already added the application and uploaded the photos, the problem is that I need to put it in my profile.

- The_Magician - 11-09-2012 12:52 PM

Have you added the application?

- twingal01 - 11-09-2012 12:52 PM

Hi, go to the bumper sticker you added in the tab of your uploaded bumper stickers, then choose the one you want to add and there should be an option to add it. If not then search for it by the keywords you gave it and then add it that way. I remember having trouble at first adding my bumper stickers I uploaded but then I was able to figure it out at the end, so it should work at the end.