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Sophomoric Sophomore? - Kaci - 11-09-2012 12:49 PM

Everyday, I sit with my friends at lunch and we usually have a good time, until this annoying voice streaks above our conversations. It's a little 'demon' girl, using every kind of distraction maneuver to get my attention. This has been going on since day 1 of this school year. (Nearly 2 months)
The first day it occurred, I had no clue whom she was, and vice versa. With every bite of my sanwhich, I heard a loud, vociferous laugh. I look over to see at least six pairs of eyes from the most dramatic-looking group of brats I've ever seen, staring at me. The demon girl suddenly says, "Oh, we could smell your onions from over here." I tell her to mind her own business, but she very stupidly does that slide-my-middle-finger-down-the-side-of-my-face-because-I'm-dull-witted move, and malevolently says, "F*** you." I tell her how proud her parents must be to have a daughter with an intellect equivalent to plant life, and she has no further comebacks, possibly because she couldn't comprehend what I said.
Every day since then, her and her other friend attempt to grab my attention.
Every. Day.
Any kind of distraction her few brains cells can generate, she does them.
It got to the point where I personally labeled her as a creep for trying to stalk me not only at lunch, but on my Facebook, through texting, and gaining any information she can about me.
She was recently suspended for "pulling a chair from under another girl.", failed English, and was kicked out of Dance, so I guess karma's on my side.
I understand that this moron wants to get any kind of reaction she can from me, but I haven't given her any more responses since the second day, and again, this has been going for two months. WHY doesn't she give up?
She is only a sophomore for God's sake, so, why does she want to pick enemies with a senior, and someone she doesn't know? It makes no sense to me. Someone with experience or who has an expertise with psychological issues care to elaborate?

- itruMss - 11-09-2012 12:58 PM

U are better than her i like your english by the way , Big Grin i thought i was reading a book for a second. lol.

- Bored Gremlin - 11-09-2012 12:58 PM

Laugh at her. Or treat her like you would treat a young child - ignore what she says and be polite