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I hate my "friend"? - Printable Version

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I hate my "friend"? - Katie - 11-09-2012 12:50 PM

So. I have this friend, let's call her Abi.
Abi is one of the most self-centered, rude girls I've ever met. Here's some of the things she does:
- Bitches about anyone who argues against her, even if they had barely argued with her and had just politely stated their views.
- Whenever somebody does this, she tells everyone else that they're "fat" and "ugly" (yeah, that's TOTALLY original). Once she told me and another friend (who also hates her) that our other friend (let's call her Jen) thinks that she's "so pretty, but she really isn't. She's so ugly!" when really Jen is completely modest and actually very beautiful. Abi thinks she's God's gift to men and always takes retarded photos of herself on Facebook. Actually, she's really fucking ugly. I have to cringe every time I see that she's uploaded a new picture.
- She complains that people never let her do anything (like compete in sports, for example), but when they do offer it to her, she just says, "No, I don't want to do it anyway!" But she still complains about not being able to join in. It makes no sense.
- Tries to make everyone feel sorry for her by saying "I have cancer!" (not true) and "I have to move because my mom wants to put my into an adoption home!" (again, not true). It's so awful and unfair to people who really have cancer and are adopted.

There's a lot of other stuff, too, but I can't be bothered to tell the rest.

Anyway, what should I do about her? Just ignore her? But when you do this, she tries to get everyone to hate you (this happened to me once). But she's so horrible, I just want her out of my life.

- Ash - 11-09-2012 12:58 PM

Ignore her.

- Krista W - 11-09-2012 12:58 PM

Find a way to slowly get her out of your life. just slowly extract her

- Kevin the Cat - 11-09-2012 12:58 PM

tell her why you decided to not be her friend anymore IN PERSON!

- Ask Me! - 11-09-2012 12:58 PM

This is what you do with toxic people like this girl. Cut her off completely. No Facebook, no texts, no phone convos, no in person contact, nothing. Make yourself 100% off limits to her. Realize that she is mentally ill and desperately needs help. She says and does the things she does because she is in a lot of emotional pain and requires a lot of attention, even if it's negative. She is to be pitied, really. She won't have a good adult life, I assure you. You have no obligation to be her friend or even acquaintance. Block her news feed from your Facebook or simply unfriend her. She really can't "Get everyone to hate you" if they don't already. I'm sure that others realize she has a problem. Stop being her victim and set yourself free. She is a bully and a master manipulator.

- Cat - 11-09-2012 12:58 PM

i have a friend like this and ever since the first day of school ive been wanting to get rid of her! so 11 and half years of torture i just decided she made my life miserable and decided to stop telling her things and decided i couldn't be bothered with her! it did help that everyone felt the same way so we all did the same and it was tough on her and mean but we deserved the break, at first she didn't understand why it was happening and for a month she tried to turn everyone else against us but everyone new what she was like and now a month has passed and even though ill never be able to trust her i can see she is changing for the better.... maybe she just needs to learn that you are only her friend because you have to be and not because you want to!

- Crystal - 11-09-2012 12:58 PM

Wow she sounds immature. Hopefully she'll grow out of that. Just don't take what she says too seriously because you know shes talking a load of **** LOL!

Oh and talk to your other friends more. This way they will be more close to you and won't listen to all her sillyness Smile

Good luck!

- Tara - 11-09-2012 12:58 PM

In person, tell her what you think of her. Thats shes a mean, heartless person. You are sick of her bullshit and you dont want to be her friend anymore. Who care if she gets people to hate you. Its school for goodness sake. Youve got your whole life ahead of you to make GOOD friends. Who knows, once you make a stand, others might too. I stood up to an ex bestfriend, and then others did too. She ended up having no friends after that. Then BAM! She changed her ways slowly

- Mehret - 11-09-2012 12:58 PM

Option 1: ignore her. Even if she begins spreading stuff about you dont stoop down to her level and do the same. People like this LOVE attention so just ignore her
Option 2: confront her. Maybe you or you and your friends could talk to her privately. Dont do this infron of everyone but just you, the girl and 1 or 2 other friends. Deal with the issue head on.

- Being - 11-09-2012 12:58 PM

You are not alone! I totally know how you feel!

Approach your group of friends when "Abi" isn't there and tell them how you feel, and say how you think it's best you don't socialise with her anymore. They will probably agree with you. Make a plan to slowly ease her out of your friendship group without making it totally obvious. For example, make sure when you organise for your group of friends to go out somewhere, you should all "accidentally" forget to invite her. Or you should all just confront her together and explain how you feel and tell her actions are not appreciated.

Tip: What you don't want to do is gang up on her, she is obviously very insecure, jealous, juvenile and extremely childish but you want to bring out the mature side of her without directly hurting her feelings.

Also, you sound like a lovely person, don't let a horrible person like that affect you.

Tip: Tell a trusted adult: parents are more advisable as they really want to help you. The majority of parents are very wise and ready to give advice.

Friends can be real nightmares... But there is always a solution! You just need to find it! Good luck.