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How to disconnect my Tumblr from my Twitter? - Printable Version

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How to disconnect my Tumblr from my Twitter? - TARDIScookie - 10-02-2012 01:45 AM

Ok, here's what's going on. I have a twitter account I never learnt how to shut down, so I abandoned it, changed the username and bio to point to my new account and never tweeted on it again. Then I changed the password to some keyboard smash, and the email to an old one I am unable to use, just to make sure I never accidentally used it again. Stupid move, huh?

Anyway, I've discovered that somehow, my tumblr is connected to my old twitter, meaning whenever I post to tumblr, it shows up on my twitter feed. I would prefer this didn't happen. I no longer have access to my twitter account (or any idea how to contact Twitter support for help, by the way) and cannot find any evidence on my tumblr settings that my twitter is connected at all. Help?

- Dean - 10-02-2012 01:53 AM

Go to Customize -> Services
There's a Twitter tab that says "Send my Tumblr posts to Twitter"

Hope this helped.