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How do I remove a location on the new Facebook Timeline map? - Printable Version

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How do I remove a location on the new Facebook Timeline map? - RuAtwinIam - 11-09-2012 12:52 PM

I have been trying all day to remove two locations on the new map in Facebooks Timeline. How do I remove them? detailed as much as you can for a newbie please! thank you for your time

- CUTElilGURL(: - 11-09-2012 01:00 PM

I dont think you can.

- Phil - 11-09-2012 01:00 PM

On your timeline page click on the update info in near your cover. In the living section all of your locations show up. Click on the grey description and you can modify or delete the event.

- BritMandy - 11-09-2012 01:00 PM

Yeah, the script on Timeline is seriously jacked up, and the interface is NOT user friendly at all. JUST when you think Facebook is getting itself sorted out... *ahem* Okay, step by step, here we go...

1) Go to your Page. (Click your name next to a tiny version of your profile pic in the top right of the screen, next to "Home.")

2) Just below your new "Cover" image on the right side click "Update Info" (next to "Activity Log")

3) For me there are two column of boxes containing various bits of information. On the left the first one is "Work & Education" and the box below it refers to the contents of my maps. (It says "Living" for me, because so far I've only filled in a few of the places I've lived previously.) You can tell it's your map content because of the little flag/bubbles.

4) Each saved location appears with its name in bold blue text. BELOW that is some light grey text, presumably telling you more about that location's importance. (Did you live there, visit, take a picture...) ie. "Moved here January 1990." Click the GREY text - NOT the blue.

5) You should arrive at a screen that shows a chunk of your "Timeline" and everything is center-biased - a little symbol (ie. a house) a description of the location, and a big box that says "+ Add A Photo."

6) If you HOVER your mouse over this box, in the top right of the white area appears a Star and a Pencil. With the Pencil you have the option to "edit" "hide" or "delete life event."

7) Click "delete," and "Confirm" when prompted.

Optional Step 8) Consult a local Voodoo Witchdoctor for advice on how to inflict the same amount of uncertainty and frustration Facebook Users experience on Facebook Developers themselves.

This advice will almost certainly be outdated and useless in about two weeks. Still, I hope it helps for now. /A

- Johnathon - 11-09-2012 01:00 PM

From your profile page click on your activity log button (right below your cover photo). Find when you added the location onto the map and click on the Allowed on Timeline button (a circle). There's an option to delete it.