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How do I post pictures to Facebook using my iPod Touch? - Printable Version

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How do I post pictures to Facebook using my iPod Touch? - Sandra Ash - 11-09-2012 12:56 PM

Ever since I updated my iTunes, I can't post pictures to my Facebook on my iPod Touch. It says the app doesn't have access to my photos and that I can change that in the privacy settings. I went into the privacy settings but I still don't know how I can get it so I can take the pictures from my camera roll and upload them to Facebook. Please help! I love uploading pictures!
EDIT: When I go to Privacy Settings, the menu looks something like this:
Control Privacy When You Post
Control Your Default Privacy
How You Connect
Sharing on Facebook
Timeline and Tagging
Apps and Websites
Limit the Audience for Past Posts
Blocked People and Apps

I don't know how to get to my photos :/
@ImNotTellingMyRealName I do have that... ever since I upgraded to that it won't let me do anything.
Okay I got it... I needed to go into my iPod settings.. not in the Privacy Settings on the Facebook app... wow I'm kind of stupid. lol Thanks for all the help though!

- Knit Ler - 11-09-2012 01:04 PM

I had this problem with Instagram! Go to settings then privacy and go on photos, There should be an option to slide on Facebook so it can access your photos (:

- SarcasticBandit721 - 11-09-2012 01:04 PM

i would highly recommend updating to iOS 6, there is new features in iOS 6 like Facebook integration, where you could just go into photos, click the photo, and there will be an option that says "Post to Facebook".